Wednesday, 12 February 2025

Wednesday… Kents Cavern and Thatcher Rock

Kents Cavern is one of the most important Stone Age sites in Europe and if you visit you will be transported back millions of years, to a time when the cave was a home to ancient humans. Walking through this extensive cave system, you are surrounded by 400 million year old rocks and absolutely spectacular stalagmites and stalactites.

It’s a fabulous visit, which brought back memories! When Nich was 7 years old, we took two classes of children to this very place and we all had a wonderful time.

We didn’t go into the caves today but we did visit the very pleasant cafe..and afterwards…well it had to be done!

Nich and William having some fun!

Afterwards, we drove home via the scenic route.


This chunk of Devonian Limestone is called, ‘Thatcher Rock’. We stopped, briefly, as we drove around this lovely part of Torquay. Thatcher Rock is a wonderful breeding ground for gulls, cormorants and kittiwakes.


A lovely morning was had by all! 


  1. It sounds delightful and Thatcher Rock is most important.

  2. Glad you had a lovely time - the caves look wonderful and I love the little island.

  3. It sounds like a great adventure. xx


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