Saturday, 8 February 2025

On the market… Four stylish and elegant, 4 bedroom, family homes!


I love sitting in my workroom and creating… but I’m not artistic. Oh no! My daughter is extremely artistic and very talented indeed but she doesn’t get it from me!

However, years in the classroom, particularly in infant classrooms, meant that I had to display children’s work to its best. Training to be a teacher taught me that… and then I was lucky enough to teach in schools where creativity reigned! I loved doing anything crafty!

In my first school, in Surrey, we were encouraged to do a great deal of art and craft and also visit each other’s classrooms, for inspiration. 

In my second school, in Exeter, high standards of display were expected..and in particular the teachers’ lettering also had to be just right! 

And in my third school, the classroom walls were a joy and we always had staff meetings in different classrooms so that we could also look at the various displays.

(I’m glad that I’m out of it now, though, as I do believe that, nowadays, we suck the creativity out of our children...and that is very bad!)

I love fabrics and I love sourcing scrapbooking papers and often I mix the two in whatever I’m doing. And I do simple things, just for fun really. I’ve not been that well for the last three years and so as we don’t go far nowadays, I find that the regular visits to craft room helps me to get through each day.

A year ago, I was given some papers from Cambridge Imprint. Two lovely designs and blue designs. Now I have to say that these don’t come cheap…but they do have 20% discount if you buy ten sheets or more of their large pieces, and the selection is gorgeous! 

And so, yesterday, I began looking through the red box! 

And very soon I was beavering away. It’s all very simple crafting but I thought my first, ‘trial’ effort, was quite effective. If you use quality materials then it does help!

When I get going then nothing stops me! I mean, who needs a double glazing company with windows like this?! 😂

I bought some lovely cards with wavy edges…

And what to do next…?! Well, I nipped out whilst it was half time in the football and gathered together a few blue bits…


A few orange bits…

And not forgetting green bits… 

They say that house prices are rising! So I should do well with selling these! ( And if you buy now then you’ll beat the rise in stamp duty!) My shop link is in the side bar.


  1. How gorgeous! Doing something you really enjoy and are clearly very good at perhaps helps you to at least ignore your health problems for a while. Well done! 😀

  2. What a wonderful post - and such beautiful cards. xx

  3. These are wonderful. And the different patterns really help them stand out. X


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