Sunday, 16 February 2025

Flowers, gardening and things like that!

Friday came and went so quickly. When I returned home from coffee with my daughter (and my son in law, too, as he had the day off ), these roses were by my chair ….plus a lovely card !

I’m surrounded in red right now as the Poinsettia that Nich picked up for me before Christmas, has just gone on and on! On the various gardening pages that I dip into , many people have said that they don’t do well with Poinsettias. I guess that mine just likes where it is! 

Meanwhile, late to the party, my Christmas cactus has, at last, decided to flower!

I don’t have much room for houseplants but I do love them and if I had the room, I’d have more! Most of them sit in this little corner, quite happily.

With plants and gardening in mind, yesterday I decided to use the theme and make another of these…

A garden themed, altered clipboard. I rummaged through my pile of scrapbook papers and made a start.

I then searched further for garden ‘bits’!

As well as some garden themed fabric…

The pile grew bigger…

I then turned my attention to the back of the clipboard…and looked further into my ‘stash of stuff’, for inspiration!

It’s very satisfying putting colours together, I think

I almost wish I’d made this the front of the clipboard! But there’s always another day..and another clipboard!

I put everything in place…

A gift for a crafter and gardener…and I’ll add some seeds too!



  1. What gorgeous roses, such a wonderful surprise.

  2. Your roses are beautiful. You have a very thoughtful husband.
    And I love your houseplant display :)

  3. I love your altered clipboard, what a lovely idea! Lovely roses too


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