Monday, 17 February 2025


So, what’s the difference between Origami and Kirigami? I’ll tell you, if you don’t already know!

Whereas in Origami, paper cutting is strictly prohibited, in Kirigami, (which is a variation of Origami) , the artist is allowed to make small cuts in the paper. 

In Japanese, Kiru means to cut and Gami means paper.

These are some photos from 2009, when my mum organised a craft morning and introduced us to Kirigami:

Recently, after much searching, I found these books that I thought had been lost in our house move. Tucked inside one of them, was a handful of cut Kirigami pieces! Some were a little creased and so I put them under a firm mat on my desk and left them for a few weeks.

I’ve been playing around with some of the smaller pieces, this morning…with card making in mind!

And so there you have it! Kirigami!


  1. Wow, the cards look fantastic! I've never heard of Kerigama, so thank you for the description and wonderful examples. YOu learn new things everyday, so today my thing to learn was from you! Spotted you on a mutual friends blog and thought I'd pop in for a visit. It's always fun to meet new bloggers.

  2. They are so pretty, how do you get those heart shapes, I think I might look into doing this, you've given me some ideas.


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