Sunday 1 September 2024

New planters!


Looks a bit boring, doesn’t it?! But thanks to my other half, I have some new planters at the back of the garden. Each is six foot long and the idea is that next year, I will grow my Sweet Peas in these and some kind of trellis will be put up for them to climb. That’s the plan! In the meantime, I’m going to use them to overwinter some Erysimum, Honesty and a few other bits that I’ve grown from seed.

This year, my Sweet Peas went mad in my one and only raised bed, swamping everything else.We eventually cleared them as I’ve been busy trying to make life easier. I’m now using the bed for herbs as well as a place to temporarily plant some Foxgloves that had outgrown their pots.

Plus…I also have  a lovely load of Comfrey!

Plenty of work still to do but I’m ‘on the case’, as they say! 😁


  1. I love those new planters, really well made.

  2. Nothing remain static in the garden, does it?

  3. I do like those planters and what a good idea about sweet peas. I hope you don't mind but I'm going to copy it as I have a planter that needs a job. xx

  4. Your new planters look great. They will be perfect for growing sweet peas. Xx


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