Wednesday 4 September 2024

A Year in Christine’s Garden

Years ago, in 2005/2006, I watched a series called,  ‘A Year in Christine’s Garden’ and I remember that I loved every minute of it! More recently, I noticed that some of the episodes were available to watch on the TV and so I grabbed the opportunity to watch what was available.

I can honestly say that out of all the programmes I watch re gardening, this is the series that I love the most! It is charming! And part of that charm was Christine’s neighbour, Reg, who was featured in all of the episodes. Reg has sadly passed away since the programmes were made… but what a character he was!

Christine’s enthusiasm shines through, throughout these programmes and as well as that, her work ethic is amazing!

In addition to showing us her own garden through the seasons, and her interaction with her neighbours and helping them ( especially Reg, his tomatoes and pruning his trees!), Christine’s other work includes lecturing, judging at shows, giving talks to various groups and working on projects etc. She even takes us to the allotment that she tended when she was just 10 years old. Gardening is her life!

Here’s a run down of all the episodes from, ‘ A Year in Christine’s Garden’ :

However, some of the episodes were missing on the TV and so I ventured online in order to search: 

I found the first series ( episodes 1-6) here

The second series ( episodes 7-12) isn’t so easy to find but I eventually found it online, here .

Sadly, no programmes seem to be available on dvd…they should be! It’s a simple, uncomplicated and most enjoyable series, that’s for sure. 

Meanwhile, I did find the book, ‘A Year in Christine’s Garden’ and I’m really enjoying that too!

Finally, in 2014, Christine also made another fantastic series, ‘Glorious Gardens from Above’. Travelling in a hot air balloon, she visits some of Britain’s best gardens, exploring their history and the people connected with them. There are 15 episodes and I was able to find these on TV, recently. My favourite was, ‘Hampshire’ and in particular her visit to Mottisfont; how I loved this episode! You can find it here .

‘A Year in Christine’s Garden’ and, ‘Glorious Gardens from Above’ : Two delightful series, well worth watching and to which I think I will return again and again! 



  1. Hello there, I agree! I watched Christine on TV years ago and thought what a wonderful gardener she was. Found out one early Sunday morning recently that the programmes were being repeated on TV - they were still fantastic second time round!

  2. I also loved Christines garden. it was so normal to see her gardens and all her neibours as well. I will look and see if its still on TV. Val

  3. Thank you for the recommendation- I have just watched the first episode. Truly delightful!

  4. Looks like a lovely series. I've a feeling I saw a couple of the 'balloon' programmes. I must go back and follow your links:)

  5. Thank you for the links. I shall watch at my leisure.


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