Sunday 4 August 2024


Although, in parts of the garden,the colour has faded,  there are still areas where it continues to inspire! The Hydrangeas, this year, have been absolutely fabulous! The colour as well as the size of the blooms…extraordinary! The ‘Roald Dahl’ rose doesn’t stop flowering and similarly, ‘The Fairy’ miniature rose has done well.

Meanwhile…there’s my mess of a raised bed! It’s been so pretty but…!

 We spent Friday and Saturday deciding what to do about this raised bed. You learn from your mistakes and this spring/ summer, I made the mistake of growing too much in it, especially Sweet Peas and Borage. The whole raised bed now looked like a jungle…so what to do? Leave it another three or four weeks or tackle it now, (whilst my other half has the time!)

So, being the ‘one man destruction unit’ that he is, tackle he did! The Borage had more or less gone to seed, anyway, and I’ve had many bunches of Sweet Peas…

He worked like a Trojan, on Friday, clearing the bed, and also cutting the very overgrown Honeysuckle and Clematis hedge, which is nearby, in order to give the bed much more light.

And next, he is going to make me two 6 ft long containers, to put along the back fence, purely for Sweet Peas, so that I can grow them ‘properly’, next year! I’m happy. Since being unwell and having two operations, my mobility isn’t 100% and my energy levels are poor, so I have had to learn to pace myself.

 I’m now planning my raised bed so that it’s bee/ butterfly/ pollinator friendly and easy for me to maintain.

My greenhouse is already full of a variety of perennial, wild flower plants, grown from seed, as well as Foxgloves galore. I grow plenty and as I’m the only one with a greenhouse and I share it all between three of us…that is me, my son, who has just moved house and inherited a new garden, and my son in law, who is re wilding his garden and has already put in two ponds..(it is fabulous and already attracting so much wildlife!) 

Meanwhile, I’ll be planting a few herbs, as well, and today I paid a visit to Norfolk herbs, my favourite supplier of herbs! I’ve been a customer for years and their plants are truly superb.

I’ve ordered 5 Thyme plants..

My favourite being, ‘Ruby Glow’..

4 Lavenders that don’t grow too tall…in the ’Bee Zee’ range…

A ‘Country Cream’ Oregano…

A lovely Allium ‘Quatro’…

                                         A prostrate Rosemary…



And a pot of curly parsley…as I’ve never been that successful at growing it from seed. They say that it’s  meant ‘to go to hell and back’ before it actually germinates!


And finally, in one of my wild areas, this lovely, Common Mallow, has come into bloom…


  1. I love reading about people's garden plans. What a gorgeous space you have to work with too.
    Sweet peas are my favourite flowers. I wonder if I could grow some in pots next year. Hmmm . . . xx

  2. I had real sweet-pea envy, I struggle to grow them here. I don't manage plant heights well, but I do like to see a jumble, there are gaps here as some blooms fade, it's that time of year.

  3. Top marks to your other half. How lovely to have a blank canvas to plan and work on. Your hydrangea is truly stunning - such a gorgeous blue.
    Our Barnsley Baby' mallows are particularly good this year and there are masses of flowers on the feijoa, though there will not be any fruit.

  4. I love your choice of herbs, hydrangeas and sweet peas have done so well this year but our sweet peas have now stopped flowering so they will have to be sorted soon. You have a lovely garden and it's good to make it as easy as possible to maintain:)


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