Sunday 14 July 2024

Today’s Hydrangeas!

‘It’s the best year for Hydrangeas!’ she said.

Yet, having said that, this is only our third summer here and so probably, in the past, and before our time here, there have been other good years. 

Yet, something strange has happened in the time we’ve been here!

Above, you can just about see that the Hydrangeas were most definitely blue. It’s not a great photo but I remember remarking on the vivid colour.

Below…the same plants this year…a most definite purple!

And the same here, below…I took this photo not long after we moved in.

Apparently, only the flowers of the big leaf hydrangea ( Hydrangea macrophylla) can change colour. And this is all due to the pH value of the soil.

So I can only assume that the pH value in the solid must’ve changed. If I want the Hydrangeas to revert to the true blue, I’ll have to research this!

So far, I’ve read that for true blue Hydrangeas, the plants need to be grown in acidic soil with a pH of 5.5 or lower. 

The meaning of the word ‘Hydrangea’ stems from the Greek words for water,  (hydros), and jar, 
(angos) or pitcher ( angeion)

Hydrangeas prefer to be planted in moist, well drained soil as well as in dappled shade. They don’t like conditions to be too sunny or too shady.

As for my Hydrangeas…I love all colours.

 How about you?



  1. My hydrangea has thrived this year. I was given it during lockdown, when the stores had to stay closed, but it's the first year of it producing lots of flowers. I love how vibrant the colours are. Xx

  2. It is a good year for hydrangeas here too. I love the blue ones but never succeed in keeping them blue. Usually they end up a purply pink. B x

  3. They are lovely.
    I think there are 'things' that can be added to the soil to encourage the blue. Copper springs to mind for some reason. I like them all - ours are doing well, mostly pink. I'd love a blue or purple one, but would have the same soil problem. Also, I haven't got any more room . . . I'm sure I could squeeze in another, though.

  4. My Dad always used rain water from the water butt for his hydrangeas, not tap water. Yours look beautiful anyway! xx

  5. The hydrangeas in Edinburgh are magnificent this year, so many varieties and colours


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