Tuesday 11 June 2024


I firmly believe that if you can find any way of having a pond in your garden, then do it! Whether it’s a large pond or a smaller, container pond, it’s well worth the effort! We build a wildlife pond, during lockdown, in our previous garden, and even thinking about it, brings tears to my eyes! My husband worked so very hard and within the year, we were lucky enough to have so many visitors to the pond...including newts!

Sadly, because of my ill health, we had to move, leaving behind our lovely pond, which we had nurtured and loved so much! I often wonder what’s happened to it and I honestly wouldn’t be surprised if the new owners have filled it in. I say this because, we had a beautiful wall hydrangea, which we had inherited and kept looking lovely for over 20 years, it was a haven for insects and birds. Yet, we know that the new owners chopped it all down. That made me cry!  It made no sense at all! Yes, their choice, their property…but…why? No more would the Blackcaps and other garden birds that we used to watch, enjoy it. No more would the hundreds of pollinators make it their home. 

When it comes to wildlife, I’m firmly on its side. Even where we live now, we’ve watched a wildlife friendly, front garden being reduced to paving and the local council mowing the verges unnecessarily. I call it ignorant and believe it or not a few years ago, when I voiced my opinion as I watched a small area of wild flowers being mowed, I was almost hung, drawn and quartered for speaking up! But I won’t change my view! 

Anyway, when we moved to our new house, we knew that there was no room to dig another pond. And so we did the next best thing and firstly, made a container pond in this small area near the house.


And then last summer, my husband said, why not make another pond in a larger container that he had excess to his needs. It was/ is a somewhat unsightly, black, plastic container yet rather than discard it, we decided to use it anyway.

This week, I bought a few more plants for the container and my other half decided to move some mossy rocks that he’d found in the garden and try to hide the plastic a little.

I selected a Marsh Marigold, Water Violet, Water Mint, a mini Bullrush and something called Veronica Beccabunga Brooklime. Hopefully, they will all attract pollinators, pretty quickly.

But isn’t it funny how little things please….
i.e. a very mossy rock! I have a thing about mosses and also lichens. But that’s for another time! 😁


  1. I love your ponds, how heartbreaking to have to leave your other one behind. I'll have to find a large bowl and have a go myself.

  2. I created a small wildlife pond near my veg patch, with a small rockery beside and grasses for hiding places, I also have in the flower section 2 other water features, which the small birds love.

  3. A pond adds so much to a garden. I wouldn't be without ours.

  4. All the ponds look lovely. Your old one, which I hope has been kept and your two new ones. We inherited a pond when we came here and it is still going strong although hardly any frogs visit now. We have newts in there and dragon fly larvae as well as other small insect wildlife. You've chosen some lovely plants for your new pond:)

  5. I never realised the joy of having a something like this, until I created a small but functional container pond in my garden. I need to replace some of the plants this year, but I get a lot of pleasure from seeing the wildlife it attracts. Xx

  6. I hope the new owners have kept your old pond. It's so disheartening when people take over gardens only to destroy the nature there and it happens all too often. Having said that, just across the road from us, we had neighbours who used to literally weed their garden to bare ground, but now the new owners there have planted and nurture a beautiful thriving garden. We live three floors up and have no garden of our own but my mother in law has a beautiful garden with two ponds, which I love. Your new container ponds are great, hope you get lots of wildlife there.


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