Sunday 10 September 2023

Through the Kitchen Window…

Many years ago, I came across these two delightful books. I’d say that they are ‘coffee table books’ to dip into when you are having a quiet cuppa. Susan Hill has written many books but these two books, with such charming illustrations by Angela Barrett, are, in my opinion, two of her best!

And so, today, come with me…through the kitchen window!

The Winter Kitchen certainly has a warm and welcoming appeal here.

And the sights, sounds and smells really do draw the reader into that lovely room.

Spring enters and now the kitchen has a lovely, fresh feeling about it!

Elderflower is always one of my favourite flavours when it comes to cordial etc 

The summer kitchen takes on a new persona when doors and windows are thrown open as the warm weather arrives.

We all know that when Autumn comes along, we will be working towards that ‘certain time of year’ and with the days becoming colder, the winter warming recipes are very much welcomed.

And there’s nothing like a peep through a kitchen window when Christmas arrives, is there?! Not that I’m nosey!

Later in the week. I’ll take you through the garden gate! 


  1. That is delightful. The illustrations are so . . . welcoming. I look forward to going through the garden gate.

  2. I love old books, the sketches are always full of delights.

  3. Marvelous book, I love all the illustrations too.

  4. Sal, these are such delightful books. I love curling up with something with lovely illustrations - must be searching for my long gone inner child!!!
    Re: my visit - coming home early October. Not putting dates on my blog for safety's sake - these days the fewer people who know you are away the better! If you want to direct msg me my email address is in my blog profile.
    Hope you spent a happy weekend - we had some heavy rainstorms at long last, the garden is happy.

  5. Those illustrations are delightful. My kitchen smells like autumn, as I've got a chilli in the slow cooker just now. X

  6. They are lovely books. I have copies of her books The Magic Apple Tree and In Shakespeare Country. She's a wonderful writer and I have her latest Simon Serrailer novel reserved at the library:)

  7. That does look like a beautiful book, the illustrations are lovely!


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