Monday 11 September 2023



This morning, we had a pleasant trip to Buckfast Abbey. Although the weather was overcast, it was also breezy and that was very welcome after the last week of very humid, (and almost unbearable) weather.

Apparently, there are records of a monastic community existing in the area since 1018 and this community grew until the the abbey was dissolved in 1539. Many years later, in the 1882, some French monks acquired the abbey and completely rebuilt it. The building was completed in 1938.

A nephew of a French monk brought a recipe for Tonic Wine, when he visited the abbey in 1897 and so began the tradition of wine making at the abbey, using what is said to be a secret recipe. Buckfast Tonic Wine is still produced at Buckfast Abbey.

This afternoon, I’ve been pottering in the garden! Having done a lot of chopping/ cutting back, I’ve noticed many plants flowering again, notably the Antirrhinums and Ageratum.

And to think that a couple of weeks ago, I almost pulled them up and got rid! They’ve been even better the second time around!

My little container pond is doing ok although I have to admit that I do miss our large pond! My son in law has been digging a pond in his garden and I’m so excited for him as I know how quickly the wildlife found our large pond! I think he will be in for a treat!

Meanwhile, these have popped up overnight! The Shaggy Ink Cap ( Coprinus comatus), also known as Lawyers Wig!

All in all, a good day! I hope that yours was too?


  1. I've also noticed a few of my plants flowering for the second time this year. Perhaps it's the warm weather we've been experiencing. X

  2. It's rewarding having a second flush of flowers. This odd weather has reaped some rewards, after all.

  3. Beautiful photos Sal! I don't know if I ever told you this but I lived in Marldon just up the ring road, and remember taking the train at Newton Abbot all the time. I was in Devonshire from the age of 15 to 25 when I met my husband and moved across the pond. Your photos of Buckfast Abbey brought back a lot of wonderful memories as my family and I when I was a child, started visiting the abbey from the age of 8 as we spent yearly holidays in South Devon before we moved there after dad retired. We stayed in a caravan at Goodrington. Beautiful flowers too. Thank you for all the wonderful memories your photos bring back.

  4. You have such a beautiful garden. THanks for sharing it. xx

  5. I haven't been to the abbey for years, back in late 90's I was taken into the underground section of the abbey, they were looking for storage solutions, and I was sent, it's as beautiful down there as above. Lovely garden.

  6. I've never visited the abbey, your photos are lovely. Your container pond is lovely too, what a nice idea!

  7. Such a grand old building. And a second flush of bloom is always a bonus.


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