Thursday 7 September 2023

All sorts!

A trip to a local garden centre, with my son and his little boy, was on yesterday’s agenda… and a fine treat it was too!  Over coffee, we always try to put the world to rights whilst entertaining William ( age 2+ years) at the same time! 

We have the same interests: gardening, the natural world,  history, books, sport and politics. We also share the same, wicked sense of humour! And so I love the times when we can get together as it’s generally a laugh a minute; I do love his company!

Of course, I couldn’t resist a wander around the plants and in particular the potted arrangements caught my eye. Most of them were in large containers but two were in rather lovely, smaller, round, terracotta pots. Actually, I only spotted one to start with and I said to Nich, ‘‘What a shame there isn’t another.’’ 
And lo and behold, as if by some kind of magic, another jumped in front of my eyes! 😁😆

It wasn’t until I was sitting in the car, afterwards, when I realised that I’d been given discount and had paid much less than I was expecting! 

Right now, they are taking pride of place on the patio table, along with a pot of Pansies and a couple of small pots, where I put cuttings in order to root them. At the moment I’m having success with the Erigeron karvinskiamus…(which we call Devon Daisy but it grows everywhere!)

Actually, I’ve had these two little pots for many years; I bought them from a) an old pottery in Newton Abbot and b) an old pottery in a building called The Old Granary at Bishops Waltham, Hampshire.

Meanwhile, in the garden, ‘Giggles’ is coming into bloom again…

…as is ‘The Fairy’ rose and also the lovely Lavender Stoechas. Lavender has done well in my garden, this summer.

Yet, I’m very aware that it’s September and I need to think about spring bulbs! What a dilemma! I’ve been all over the place looking at what’s on offer! These lovely selections, from Peter Nyssen, caught my eye, yesterday!

Decisions, decisions! 


  1. So much colour in the natural world, your table looks stunning. As for spring blooms, I think the more the merrier.

  2. I planted some bulbs at the weekend, but having seen these photographs I realise I'll definitely need to plant some more. Xx

  3. Luscious photographs. Gorgeous colours.

  4. Time spent with a son, a grandson, coffee and laughs, new plants - does it get any better? I don’t think so!

  5. Stunningly beautiful, Sal. xx

  6. So hard to make choices when it comes to plants - usually the ones I have little hope for turn out to be the best!

  7. Wow, a feast for the eyes! One of each please!

  8. Sounds like a great trip! Lovely selection of flowers and pots too and it would be very difficult to decide between those bulb mixes!


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