Sunday 3 September 2023

Sink update! 😁

So, here are the two culprits, in situ!

 And oh how we laughed ! My trusty other half, along with our friend, managed to lift them out of his car and on to the sack trucks, wheel them up the long path to the back garden, hoist them up four steps and then a further push to the end of the garden, navigating a sharp left hand bend, to where the greenhouse is situated.

‘It would be been far easier to leave them on the front drive and move the greenhouse’, said my joker of a husband. πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚ He’s probably right..(he usually is! πŸ˜‚


So, no prizes for guessing what we’ve been doing this Sunday morning! Under my supervision,(naturally!), the sinks have been levelled and filled with compost.

However, ‘up here for thinking’ as they say! I remembered that I had some spring bulbs in the greenhouse…a good mixture saved from earlier in the year when I’d emptied some planters. 

So, I managed to put those into the sinks after they were half filled…there should be quite a show in the spring!

Meanwhile, after much thought, I’ve decided to plant interesting Alpines and I’ve spent the rest of the day looking for plant ideas. Whilst browsing, I came across a lovely site called, D’arcy and Everest’ and this is what I’ve decided to buy…

                                         Geranium sanguineum nanum:

Dodecatheon Darcies Dream ( x2)  (I bought two of these as I used to grow them in our previous garden and thought they were really interesting little plants) 

Viola pedatifida

                                                    Primula Vulgaris McWatts cream

Dianthus Inshriach Dazzler

                                               Primula Auricula Alice Haysom                            

Aethionema Warley rubra; 


                                                            Thrift  Armeria Maritima

Aquilegia flabellata ‘Cameo pink’


                                               Primula x pubescens 'Bella'

Alpine Aster

 So by my reckoning, that’s six plants in each sink and if I need more, I’ve already grown Sedum and Primula that are waiting patiently ‘in the wings’!

More to come at a later date! But don’t mention ‘sinks’ or ‘sack trucks’ if you come to my house! πŸ˜†


  1. lol! Well at least they are finally in place. You've picked some really lovely alpines. I particularly love auriculas - beautiful little plants. I so wish we still had our old sink - I can't even remember why we got rid of it many years ago.

  2. Lovely selection of plants - what a beautiful sight they will be.

  3. They are going to look so, so beautiful. xx

  4. “Under my supervision, (naturally!) - spoken like a true wife!

  5. These really beautiful flowers. They will look incredible!

  6. They are going to look lovely. Xx


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