Tuesday 29 August 2023

Step aside, Summer!

It’s a new day!
 I’ve noticed a whiff of autumn in the air and the evenings are becoming darker, earlier. I do hope that we get a good September, weather wise, as it’s a long old haul until the spring and we’ve had a disappointing July and August. 

I love the autumn. I love the beauty of the colours that autumn offers. Autumn has such a richness about it and I’m lucky enough to live near some beautiful woodland that is always stunningly beautiful when the reds, oranges and yellows of the leaves become a sight not to be missed. I love the autumnal smells. And I also love choosing and planting garden bulbs. I love the autumn hedgerows.

Below is a simple poem that I penned three years ago after I’d been for a walk. I’d noticed so much in the hedgerows and this took me back to when my mum, a teacher, would send me and my sister along the road not far from where we lived, to find various bits for her infant classroom nature table. Nature tables! Remember those? I always made sure that I had one in my own classroom, too! 

Step aside, Summer!

Your time is up, fine summer!
Move aside, (if you don’t mind.)
It’s time to look around us
To see what we can find.

Those little signs of autumn,
Easily spotted, when you look
And if you can’t identify,
Then go look in a book!



  The blackberries are looking good
So juicy and so glossy!
Pick one! Go on, eat it!
No need to be fussy!

The hips are now so plentiful.
     Rose hip syrup…remember that?
   Or maybe rose hip tea for you
A cuppa and a chat!

                                              Yes, all the signs of autumn,
                             Are there for us to spy.
                             Nature is all around us
                             Above the ground; below the sky.

                                               So when you go out walking
                             Take a look around.
                             You’ll be amazed at what you find
                             And the things that do astound.

                                              But best of all, these wonders
                             Cost nowt! IT’S ALL FOR FREE!
                             Nature’s riches are for all of us 
                             Hips, haws and spindle tree.

                             Blackberries and Crab Apples
                             Honeysuckle berries
                             Damsons, Plums and Sloes
                             Different wild cherries.

                             So move aside, dear summer.
                             Take a break! Have a rest!
                             Your turn will come again, but now...
                             Let Autumn show its best!


  1. Appreciating each season for what it offers is a gift for all of us.

  2. It seems every blog I read today, we're all writing about the end of summer and the imminent arrival of autumn, myself included.

  3. Lovely words and photos! I can feel autumn in the air too! I love the leaves changing colour and all the fruits and berries.

  4. Lovely autumnal phots as you say it is such a beautiful season and I agree it is to be hoped we enjoy an "Indian Summer" and get some sunny dry weather.Picked some blackberries yesterday and harvested some apples to make a pie :)

  5. I've learned to love autumn in recent years. Previously, I had been too concerned with mourning the loss of summer. It is a beautiful season. Xx


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