Monday 28 August 2023

You have to laugh!

Today was so disastrous that you either laughed or cried! Choosing to go to Torcross on a bank holiday Monday, was not a good decision! ( Torcross is right at the far end of the beach that you can see in the photo above.) We arrived to find that the car parks were all full, which was a shame as we were hoping to have lunch in ‘The Billy Can’ . And I had no ‘plan b’!

We continued driving until we got to another village. Happily driving along, there was an obstruction on the other side of the road from us and so we had the right of way, when, all of a sudden, a motorist drove right at us, completely ignoring the obstruction on her side of the road…well, there wasn’t room for us both to pass…so..

…there we both were, facing each other! Her passenger was immediately making gestures to us to reverse! And he gestured and he gestured and then he made a big show of folding his arms as if to say that they weren’t moving! And so I pointed to our car camera! πŸ˜‚ 
The driver reversed. 

There are some right idiots on the road…how they pass their test, I do not know but I think it’s just indicative of how certain people today behave…this ‘me,me,me ‘ attitude is all around us! 

We stopped at another cafe; it was 1.30 ish and the only thing on the menu was breakfast! (Breakfast at that time?) Or cake, Or teacake. I stupidly chose a teacake. It was very hard and very stale. My other half agreed…but I do hate complaining! Anyway, I did complain, in the nicest possible way. And it was dealt with properly. We paid the bill, minus the cost of the teacake and continued on our journey. I think my husband felt that the day had been somewhat ‘naff’ and so he tried to rescue part of it by taking a more scenic route home…and so…

This is Torquay…

 I don’t know what anyone thinks they should get looking through a car windscreen in Torquay ( or a Torquay hotel window as Basil Fawlty asked!)  but Torquay is what it is…and it’s not that bad really. We didn’t stop but took the coast road towards Shaldon. Along this road is a car park with an ice cream van that sells the most delicious ice cream…so to round off the trip, I could feel  a very nice ‘99’ coming on….YUM…except for when my husband got to the van, he was told that all the Cadbury’s chocolate flakes… had melted! πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚  You have to laugh!


  1. Thankfully you had a sense of humor today Sal! Glad you weren't in an accident. Know exactly how you feel about the self-centered/selfish/no manners people of today, so disappointing that the world is turning into such a pathetic place.
    Wow, thought Torquay would be loaded with visitors today - those photos make it look almost empty! At least the sun is shining for the holiday. I love the coast road - have always had family in Teignmouth and spent all the my summer hols. there with my cousin as a child. Friend send me the article on Torquay, and other UK seaside towns, from The Gardian a few days back in regard to the lack of business, therefore a sad summer with few tourists. So different from when I lived there until 1962.
    Have a good rest of the week - stay home in your lovely garden perhaps!!!
    Mary -

  2. Oh dear! Some people are so aggressive and self-righteous. It's fortunate that you had the car camera. We have one fore and aft and it's surprising how quickly drivers back off when they clock them.

  3. Oh dear, at least you can smile about it. I remember Shaldon and Teignmouth from childhood holidays. We used to stay in the same B&B with a Mr and Mrs Lofty. We've had drivers do that to us too and quite often in the last couple of years. I remember one man pulling out from behind parked cars and he seemed so astounded we were on the road he kept wafting his hand to tell us to get out of the way, I'm sure his language was ripe too. We had to go up on the pavement to let him pass between us and the parked cars as he wouldn't back off. We stayed at home yesterday even though it was my birthday, I'll have a treat or two later this week:)

  4. Passing a driver’s test and driving sensibly are two entirely different things. People prove that every day.

  5. I agree, some drivers aren't safe on the road. Glad you could laugh about it all. I remember having a couple of lovely holidays in Torquay when I was a child. I haven't been back there since though.

  6. At least the sun was shining! Xx


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