Thursday 24 August 2023

Real friends.

Generally, I’m not one for these kind of quotes but I happened to come across this one, yesterday, and it actually set me thinking about how true it is!

During the very difficult times in my life when I was a young mum, I certainly found out who my friends were! I’ve never forgotten the kindness and friendship of one of my friends. When I’d lost so much weight through not eating, she took on the task of trying to sort me out and put me on the right track!  Like me, she had two young children too but it didn’t stop her from going to the town and finding the right things to build me up. We’ve remained firm friends ever since. Hard times will most definitely reveal true friends!

Friendship is a funny old thing, isn’t it? I often question what exactly friendship is! Over the years, I’ve tried to be a good friend to various people, for various reasons and because I’ve really felt for them! I’ve tried to do the right thing and be of good support. I expect nothing in return…and with most of them, I’ve received exactly that when I’ve needed similar help or kindness!  I guess that in life you are either a giver or a taker! I’ve come across many takers, that’s for sure! There are times when you really do find out who your friends are!

And what about people who you might’ve invited to lunch or a coffee morning…and then they keep you hanging on a piece of string, saying …’ Oh, we must get together soon’ ..or…’ We must have coffee soon’…and it never happens! And they keep on saying it…and it still never happens. Yes, we all have busy lives but why keep saying it if you don’t mean it?! I’ve had ‘so called friends’ saying this so many times to me that I am now at the point where I laugh my head off as I don’t believe a word that they say. My daughter once explained the psychology of this kind of person to me! Apparently, it’s all about power and control. But I don’t play games like that! 

Best to concentrate on the good friends that you know will always be there for you and who know that you’ll always be there for them. Apart from my family members who are my best friends too, I honestly think that I can count on one hand my true friends! 

As someone once said…’ A good friend is like a four leaf clover; hard to find and lucky to have!’ 🍀 


  1. Very true. My father used to say, 'I have few enemies and fewer friends' and that's how I feel. Very rarely do I ever get beyond the acquaintance stage with people. I'm an awkward so-and-so, really ;-)

  2. Good friends are few - and very precious.

  3. True friends are hard to find, but I cherish mine with all my heart. There is a saying, 'Friends are with us for a reason, a season, or a lifetime'. X

  4. There are friends who are really just acquaintances, good friends, and best friends. Friends come and go, good friends are there waiting in the wings and often need prodding, and best friends - usually the smallest group - and would be with you at the drop of a hat to help out no matter what.
    I love that 4 leaf clover quote!

  5. Good friends are certainly important and people who keep promising 'we must get together soon' but who never then agree to actually meet up are very annoying (and that kind of thing can be very demoralising too)


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