Friday 18 August 2023

Flower Power!

Last autumn, I bought a Buddleia. Now, most of us think of the colour purple when we hear the word Buddleia but this one’s colour really caught my eye …as did the name… ‘ Flower Power’.  And, actually, the price did too! £12. I thought that was reasonable for a plant in a 2-3 litre container and so I decided to take a gamble.

I re- potted it and I’ve been watching this plant, willing it to bloom! 

Although the description said, ‘Blooms all summer long’ …mine hasn’t done this! It’s August 18th and it has only just come into flower. Of course, me being me, I was convinced that I’d been sent a dud! Last week, when the buds were small, I was convinced that I’d been sent the wrong variety as it seemed that my Buddleia was another purple variety; there was a purple tinge to the buds. I was already writing my letter of complaint, in my head! Like you do! 

But now look! Apparently, this is the very first Butterfly bush to have two different flower colours on the same bloomstalk! And I think it’s rather lovely.

All we need now are the butterflies!



  1. It does look rather beautiful. And most definitely not a dud :)

  2. Second attempt!
    It's very pretty.
    We moved a large buddleia from the front to the back garden and feared for its survival. It's just rewarded us with beautiful big while blooms, so we're happy and relieved.

  3. Very pretty. is it a special variety for a pot that doesn't spread or is it going to be as prolific as the normal buddleia? I've recorded five or six different coloured ones in my neighbourhood. but nothing that bright a pink or two tone.

    1. RHS says this.

      Another site says, ‘Fairly compact!’ I guess I’ll just have to wait and see! It’s really pretty!

  4. Buddleia are greatly favoured by pollinators of every ilk here, including hummingbirds. Lovely plants they are.

  5. That's a very pretty Buddleia. Here in Edinburgh, we rarely see butterflies on Buddleia, but I hope you soon get lots of butterflies and other pollinating insects.


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