Tuesday 15 August 2023

A ‘jolly’ …close to home…

On our way out, early this morning, I noticed the bank of Japanese Anemones, flowering; a really pretty sight amongst the rocks and the ferns. 

We were having a quick ‘jolly’ …as we call it! 
‘Otters’, a garden centre about ten minutes from where we live, was our destination. It’s in a pleasant setting overlooking a beautiful South Devon valley and the cafe has an outside area for sitting. We don’t usually partake in coffee if we are so close to home but the morning was glorious and I felt that it wasn’t to be rushed! That is…I wanted to, ‘ string it out’ just a little! 😂 So, after a browse and putting our ‘small purchases’ in the car, I suggested that we had coffee. And it was lovely just to sit,chill and watch the world go by.

I chose to seat myself next to a beautiful rose, which I’m pretty sure is ‘ The Fairy’ as I have it in my own garden. This one was prolific!

A young Robin decided to keep me company whilst my other half queued for the drinks.

I was a bit sneaky really…a chance to have a second look around on our way to the car!

There were plenty of succulents on offer …

           And all sorts of beautiful arrangements…

So, my very modest purchases?  I came home with:
a pack of Sedum…in readiness for my new/ old garden sinks! I’m not entirely sure what I’m planting in the sinks but these will play a part, I’m sure. I was in two minds as I could easily take cuttings. I’m in the process of taking cuttings of the Erigeron karvinskianus, a plant that I think everyone knows but I’ve always called it ‘Devon Daisy’ since it grows so well here in old stone walls. But, of course, as it grows everywhere! I digress!

…a pretty, pink Hebe that was attracting the bees as we picked it up!

And finally, an RHS stepping stone, which I’ve wanted for a while as I left three behind when we moved house! This one seemed apt!

We’ve certainly seen the best of the day. What began as a beautiful, sunny morning, has now changed into cloud and drizzle!


  1. It's always good to have a jolly.
    What a beautiful view from the garden centre garden - very bucolic. Lovely purchases, too - the hebe is a gorgeous colour.

  2. Sometimes it doesn’t matter that you are close to home. To stop for a coffee and enjoy it is one of life’s little treats, a moment to be cherished. I am glad you decided to do it.


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