Monday 14 August 2023

To colour co-ordinate …or not!


Generally, in the garden, I don’t really plan colour combinations! I just buy what I like, it’s a bit hit and miss, yet it usually works well!  I’ve always thought of myself as more of a ‘pinks, reds, purples in the garden’ kinda girl, but then wandering around, today, I realised that there are rather a lot of oranges and yellows! 

The Nasturtiums have made a grand entrance and with them have come the Cabbage White Butterflies, laying their eggs. And in no time at all, my Nasturtiums have been invaded with caterpillars…munching their way, very nicely, through the plants. Not that it bothers me at all…that’s nature for you!

If you don’t encourage nature in your garden then it’s a pretty poor show, isn’t it?!

Along with the Nasturtiums, there are Sunflowers, Dahlias, Rudbeckia, Geum and Roses, all doing their thing! I particularly like the buds of  the ‘Roald Dahl’ rose ( above)…a second flush has now begun.

    And I love this Dahlia…‘Art Deco’…

Plants do seem to have a knack of complementing each other to their best effect.

I do, however, remember, back in the 1970s, when I had my first garden, that it was all the rage to plant deep red and pale pink Tulips with light blue Forget- Me-Nots; everyone was doing it! 😁

Do you tend to go for certain colours in your garden? Or do you buy what pleases you and, fingers crossed, hope that it will work? I’d love to know!


  1. Your flowers all look so bright and cheery. Xx

  2. I tend towards pinks, blues and lilacs but the courgettes and cucumbers provide splashes of contrast which I like more than I thought I would. xx

  3. Our garden is a mish-mash of plants and colours, but as they're all 'Nature's colours', they seem to work together pretty well.

  4. Seems to me that some people obsess far too much on colour combinations. A wildflower meadow is filled with every colour you could ever imagine and it looks gorgeous. Your flowers are spectacular.


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