Monday 10 July 2023

Monday ramblings and things!


This is my escape and the place where I can mostly be found! It’s peaceful apart from the birdsong, (which I love!) and it’s hidden away from anyone! It’s where I can sit and pot away, happily.

It’s always good to have something to nurture and at the moment this is a pot of Sedum that I grew from cuttings in the autumn as well as Geranium Rozanne, which is here for a short time until I decide where to plant it.

This year, I grew dwarf Sunflowers. I never know what all the fuss is about the tallest or giant Sunflowers! I find that I can never see them when they get so tall and so this year, I fancied a change! And today, this greeted me as I did my early morning ‘inspection’!

And that wasn’t all! Growing close to the ground, I spotted this beauty..and I mean beauty as it’s as big as a large plate!

Meanwhile, I don’t like removing plants for the sake of it but a huge fern once sat here, ( below in the gap)….or should I say a few ferns. Dominating the border so that other plants couldn’t get a look in, something had to be done! Hence, my one man destruction company came to my aid!

And here we are…a gap of about two metres square, which lends itself to both alpines and a few taller perennials. Which means… 

     …..that one will have to look for a few plants for the said bed! 😂

I love this little area; it shouts out peace and serenity!

     Meanwhile, I’m off here, to do some useful potting, pricking out and planting!


  1. It looks such a lovely tranquil garden. I love sedums although I eventually lost most of mine that were in a pot. We grew some small sunflowers last year too. Alawys good to have an area where you can put new plants :)

  2. Your garden looks so inviting. I love both seating areas I can see why you love being out n the garden. The hydrangea is a lovely colour:)


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