Friday 21 July 2023

A preponderance of purple…

Do you happen to have a favourite colour in your garden? Or are you like me and grow whatever you fancy, hoping that the colours will complement one another?

Wandering around the garden, this morning, I suddenly realised that there is a preponderance of purple! 

BTW…when I think of the colour purple, it reminds me of that brilliant poem by Jenny Joseph ( ‘When I am old, I shall wear purple…!’ )  I digress…

I started to think about this colour in the garden, as there are many shades of purple. Purple can offer richness and a warmth and it can offer a kind of coolness and peace too. Furthermore, it is a colour that can be used very effectively for contrast. One immediately thinks of the purple and yellow crocuses in the early springtime. And some plants even incorporate both of those colours, as can be shown on this pretty Pansy, below and the smaller Viola below that.

For certain, purple is a powerful colour which establishes its authority in the spring and summer border.

It goes well with yellows, oranges, whites and even reds. Chosen carefully, it can really enhance the garden. It goes well with itself too, as often you will see different shades of purple in the same plant.

The funny thing is that I’ve never been one to wear very much purple! And I think I’ll leave it to the plants to show off the colour to its best, regardless of what the poem suggests! 

And you can remind yourself of the poem, here 

A very happy weekend to everyone!


1 comment:

  1. I like that poem so much. You're right - purple in the garden complements everything. No wonder it has always been a 'royal' colour.


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