Sunday 11 June 2023

Stone stuff! And plenty of it!

I love stone features in the garden! If I can get my hands on anything vintage, then better still! Anything unique and with character, is fine by me! I have a mixture of such ‘stone stuff’ in my garden!

The large pixie was ‘ inherited’, last year. I was delighted to find it lurking in the shade, (probably getting up to no good!) when we moved here!

This stone container, above, I found by the roadside in North Devon… where a host of vintage, garden items were for sale. I would’ve brought more home had the car boot ( and husband) allowed it! πŸ˜‚

The badger has spent almost 30 years with us…we inherited it when we bought a cottage in Bickington and it’s since travelled with us to our new homes.

                        Mole and Toad are newish additions.

The two ‘girls’ were from local garden centres about ten years ago. 

And the large stone troughs were here when we moved in… ideal for herbs as they are right outside our kitchen door.

And we also have bird baths! 😁

We brought all of our bird baths with us when we moved here.

That is, apart from this one, which was already in the garden.. and it leaks! πŸ˜‚

This planter was also here when we moved in…

As was this one..

I probably have enough to set up shop!

Do you have any stone features in your garden? I’d love to know!


  1. You have some super stone items in your garden. I love them all especially that stone trough with herbs and the badger :) Yes I think stone features go really well in gardens. I have quite a few - we have a lovely birdbath at the caravan and my favourite here is a stone statue of a lady reading a book which I call Matilda which was my great aunt's. But we have lots of smaller stone items like frogs and toad and rabbits. I love it when they get old and weather and get moss and lichen growing on them.

  2. What a lovely selection of garden stonework! I particularly like your badger, with the little patch of moss!


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