Saturday 24 June 2023

Saturday Snippets!


There’s always something to do in the garden but it’s important to also take a break now and again and here’s a peaceful place,(above) for a welcome rest! 

Meanwhile, everything is looking good in our garden in spite of the lack of rain…but that is somewhat worrying. A good downpour of rain is very badly needed. 

Sweet Peas always need a ton of water; they are very thirsty plants.

    My Sweet Peas have just started flowering…

Comfrey is a wonderful addition to the garden and the bees absolutely love it. I’m growing more from seed…you can’t have enough Comfrey!

There is certainly a busy feel to the garden, right now, and I’m enjoying this lovely place!

This gorgeous patch of Lysimachia ( or Yellow Loosestrife) shouts out ‘sunshine’ …and sunshine is really all we know in my part of the country at the moment! Sunny Devon! ☀️ 

I bought this Geranium three weeks ago. It was in a 9cm pot and quite small but now it’s really come on very nicely and is flowering. This one is ‘Rozanne’.

Nasturtiums are a real favourite with me; I simply poke them into pots and let them do their own thing throughout the summer months. ‘Empress of India’ is doing very nicely!

One plant that did take me by surprise, recently, was this Clematis, above. I believe that it might be a variety of Clematis integrifolia. It’s not one that I’ve come across before but the pale purple flowers, that hang like bells, are delightful.

Last year, I grew some tiny sedum cuttings and these are now very much at home in a clay pot.

All is good in the garden…and long may it continue to be so! 😁


  1. Your garden is looking so lovely and great to see the first sweet pea flower of the year. We have some of that yellow loosestrife and its a great flower. I love nasturtiums they always remind me of the garden at a great aunt's house in Widemouth Bay - she grew them everywhere :)

  2. Your garden is gorgeous, Sal! Such a wide variety of plants, and all so good for wildlife. Margaret X

  3. Thank you for visiting my blog at Small moments. Your garden is a picture, and it looks as though one could wander through looking at all sorts of lovelies.
    I have Rosanne also, but she does tend to go on the rampage, so she gets a 'Chelsea chop' earlier in the season!

  4. The garden looks wonderful despite the lack of rain. It's very easy to get sucked into seeing the garden as a place of work and forget to take time to sit for a while - even then there's always the danger of noticing a weed that needs pulling!

  5. What a beautiful garden you have! And a great selection of plants!


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