Friday 16 June 2023

‘Musts’ in a garden! And that wall!

I was thinking, yesterday, about my ‘musts’ for a garden! And there are many! But most definitely, I’d choose these three:

BIRDS FOOT TREFOIL ( above) as it provides nectar for pollinators and other insects.

COMFREY ( above)  …as it acts as a soil conditioner, a compost activator, and it makes a wonderful, liquid feed.

FOXGLOVES ( below)…as they are a food source for pollinators, especially bees, as well as giving height, interest and beauty to a garden.

I have all three in my garden and have also recently sown seeds.

What are your ‘musts’?

Moving on to other garden matters..

Last August, 2022, I walked into our new garden and my eyes were drawn to this somewhat, grotty, grey wall. It’s at the end of the garden, in an otherwise peaceful place..but it’s an eyesore!

Fast forward to April 2023 and here we are …but the gritty, grey wall is still there! However, I have plans!


My lovely daughter is bringing her creative talent to my garden…and yesterday, she made a start!

‘What exactly do you want?’ she asked.

I replied,’ I think that big, bold Sunflowers with a contrast of red Poppies, would look good!’

So she’s come up with a loose plan, something like this:

So…watch this space…she is coming back next week to complete the job!


  1. Beautiful photos of your three 'must haves' in your garden. Your wall is going to look fantastic,so cheerful too, you have made it a special place already but the painting will brighten it up even more:)

  2. A great choice of plants for your 'must-haves'. Bees love comfrey, one of the few places I've seen bees in any numbers this year is in a patch of comfrey plants.

    I love your daughter's plan for your wall too!

  3. I love the plans you have for your new wall - it will look lovely. We have foxgloves and bir'ds foot trefoil but I don't have any comfrey. Some of my "musts" would include borage and lavender. We also have a lot of golden rod which hoverflies in particular adore. Herbs when they flower are great for pollinators too.


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