Wednesday 4 January 2023

Vintage classroom posters…so simple and charming!

One of the last things that I unpacked recently, after our house move, was a pack of old classroom posters.

How fortuitous that the first two posters jumping out at me were Christmas/ winter themed…followed by the birds…

This particular set was produced by EJ Arnold in 1964. I loved this company for its variety of classroom games, books, posters, educational equipment etc.

And posters like this were particularly useful at the start of a new term, when you needed to brighten up your classroom wall, until the creativity began and the children's art work took over!

That didn’t take long in my case… as I was a great one for art and craft in the primary classroom!

Another great source of posters was the magazine, ‘ Child Education’. This excellent resource always delighted with its large posters on such a wide variety of themes. But I digress!

However, it’s the simplicity of these particular posters that struck me! I just think that they are charming!

I don’t have the room to display them but I do love to get these out now and again if only to remind myself of the ‘good old days’ when I was a very young teacher.

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