Monday, 10 May 2021

Banks, shady places and excitement!


A year ago, this bank was just a pile of earth! Isn’t it amazing how nature creeps in and takes over? Obviously, we have planted a few things such as the Erigeron Karvinskianus, otherwise known as Mexican Fleabane. However, we call it ‘Devon Daisy’ in our neck of the woods!

My biggest delight is the Ragged Robin, which I grew from seed last’s incredibly easy to grow from seed and I have another ‘batch’ in the greenhouse waiting to be pricked out!

Around the pond area are all sorts of Primula...and I’ve made a note to find some different varieties and add to these.

Also growing well is the Pink Campion...

And growing rather too well is the Greater Celandine ( Chelidonium majus) spreads like wild fire BUT it provides much nectar for insects. Amazingly, this plant is not related to the smaller celandine, which is a member of the Buttercup family. The Greater Celandine is a member of the Poppy family.

On the opposite side of our garden is a ‘shady area’ where ferns hang out with Pulmonaria, Heuchera, Foxgloves, Geraniums, etc etc. It’s starting to spring into life now.

And finally, I’m rather excited! This is the first year that I’ve grown Camassia and they are now in bud. Watch this space!

1 comment:

  1. I love Camassia and watch my clummp grow ever larger annually. The flowers are just going over now, they dont last long but the colour is so pretty.


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