Saturday 27 March 2021



This stunning Kingcup, Marsh Marigold or Caltha Palustris is one of the earliest pond plants to flower and it certainly brings a huge amount of cheer to the garden. If you have a pond then this plant is a MUST!

So, it certainly seems apt to give this a mention! Cecily Mary Barker’s 

‘The Kingcup Fairy’ :



  1. We have one just like that��
    Lovely, aren’t they.

  2. So pretty....

    We have a pond, which is also a bird bath fountain, which my husband made. The pond is a kidney-shaped plastic tub, sunk in the ground, with rocks placed around it. The birdbath, sits on a cement block, in the middle. It has a *sculpture* of birds, on top of it. So he fitted the little hose, for a "fountain effect," into it, and down to a little pump... When you turn it on, from inside, the little "birds" above, make a fountain effect. The water 'spills' over from the bird bath, into the pond and etc. It's quite pretty and makes a sweet sound.

    But I don't know, if this plant, would like it there. I see it, in a natural pond....

    "Miss BB"


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