Saturday, 1 February 2014

My library!

I have a new room!

Nich has finally flown the nest to pastures new, in Exeter, with Lizzie

and so he has vacated his room, for good.

This room has seen so much learning during the past 12 years:

AS levels; A levels; BA and MA degrees!

Whilst he was at Uni, the room was occasionally empty during term time. 

And then he moved back to his room for a while as he continued to study

 Journalism whilst he worked at the Uni.

This room has always been crammed with books as Nich is an avid reader.

And so this room absolutely oozes learning!

 When I knew that Nich would be moving out,

it was easy to decide what to do with his room,

(With Mr Snippets approval, obviously !)

because, like Nich, I own so many books!!

Welcome to..... my library...!

During the past week, Mr S has decorated the room in a rather tasty and sunny

'Primrose' colour.

I chose these curtains to match : 

And as you can see my 'old faithful' vintage rug has a new home too.

My chair is on order but I do have a coffee table!

I can't tell you how I have longed for an Ercol Pandora's Box!! 

One just happened to jump out at me as we browsed

 Topsham Antiques Centre, recently.

So it's all taking shape quite nicely!

And I've even got the room to set aside a small corner for the 1950s Triang dolls' house.

But this is where I intend to read and relax.

I don't do enough of that!

Thanks Nich...I shall think of you whenever I pick up a book

in my new library! 



  1. Looking good! XXX A well deserved treat.

  2. Lovely curtains and I might have to loan some craft books from your library. I promise to bring them back on time! Enjoy your new relaxing space.

  3. Love browsing other people's book shelves. I have just bought a copy of The Vintage Tea Party Year that I spy on your shelf. We have quite a few other books in common too.
    Don't the Penguins look lovely all lined up together?
    Love the room. Enjoy! xx

  4. Looks great, you have inspired me. When Tom moves out, hopefully at the end of the year library it will be. I see you love Miss Read too.

  5. I am looking forward to my treat
    I didn't see any Penguins when I was doing it
    Unless I have Miss Read something lol!

  6. Looks absolutely perfect. Enjoy every minute. And what a good example to Meggy and Toby too x

  7. That is lovely, Sal! I especially like the curtains. But being me, I'd want to tidy the shelves! I love having books upright and edge the front of the shelf in a neat line - but that's me, and your room is charming - I love the patio doors to the garden (we have these in our study/library - but then, we have books in every room, it's just that there are more in the study/library than in any other room.)
    Margaret P


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