Thursday, 17 October 2013

A flying visit to Blandford Forum and Dorchester! ;-)

We had a lovely trip to Blandford Forum, on Monday.

We were taking part in a new fair, ' Vintage at the Village Hall '

organised by a lovely lady, Elaine.

A really good fair...enjoyed by all... and a huge thank you

to Elaine, for putting on such a grand, vintage event!

On the way home, we stopped off at Dorchester.

Whenever we visit Dorchester , being creatures of habit, we always

have coffee in, ' The Horse with the Red Umbrella.'

This little coffee house was opened in 1970.

Apparently, it got it's name from a play, which was said to

have been the very last play to be performed

 in a little theatre at the back of the cafe.

I'd love to know more...if you do, then please let me know!

As we strolled around, we found two lovely 'vintage' shops

which had sprung up since our last visit!

Re- loved...a delightful little shop with

some gorgeous hand made items as well

as vintage bits.

And..Custard Hall...full of all things vintage and retro!

I do like Dorchester and I could have happily stayed for much longer!

We'll be back!



  1. Blandford is lovely and it also has a super costume museum!
    Margaret P

  2. Ah the Horse with the Red Umbrella ;) I remember when we stumbled upon that place on that holiday in Dorset, so many years ago! Do we still have the mugs you bought there?

  3. I will look out for the costume museum, Margaret!
    Mugs... I think we do, Nich !;-)


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