Saturday, 12 October 2013

Exeter : Hangar 124; Hidden Treasure Tea Room....and two lovely vintage fairs coming up!

Hangar 124 is a gorgeous shop in Fore Street, Exeter.

It's been opened a couple of years  and we always dive in, if we are passing...

which we were today.

It's well worth a visit and everything is so beautifully displayed!

Fore Street is certainly looking up...if you love vintage!

Further down the street is a new vintage tea room:

'Hidden Treasure Tea Room'

A lovely place to stop and have a cuppa...which we did!

Speaking of all things vintage...there's a real treat in store 

on Monday, if you are anywhere near

 Blandford Forum, Dorset! 

I'm taking a day off to be there and join in

with the fun!

And if you need a further injection of vintage, you need look no further than

The Cheese and Grain , Frome, on Saturday!

Two fab events in one week!

What more could a vintage lover want?!



  1. The shop and few room look fabulous and I am green with envy about the vintage fairs. We never seem to get any our way and you are just too far for a gal to travel!

  2. Lovely to see you yesterday, Sal - Hope you had a successful fair.

    I'll tell my daughter about the fab shop - she's at uni in Exeter at the moment...So thanks for the info.

    See you soon at Frome!
    Niki x


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