Sunday, 12 May 2013

Cup holders..a must!!!

Here's some tip top, good advice!

When you buy a car, don't worry about the colour or the fuel consumption!

 Instead, just make sure that you look for 'appropriate cup holders' 

as you never just know when you might need such added features!!


We have the said features in our car...phew, thank goodness for that!

And so back we travelled from Dartington, this afternoon;

just him, me.... and two 'well balanced' plants, in their vintagey 

containers, being transported to their new abode.

'What's all this about?' Ah, you might well ask!

My friend told me about this delightful little plant stall, situated in Dartington village.

So we searched it out and then one of us ooohed and ahhhhed as she took photos!

The other one tried to look suitably impressed ...well sort of! ;-)

I have always, almost since the day I was born, 

loved little tables like this!

You can't beat them!!

And you'd have to go a long way to beat this one!

Luckily, we didn't have to go too far!

There were plants in all sorts of containers... and all at a very reasonable price!

And we all know that a container is the very best place for mint!!

And gorgeous bunches of lovely flowers.

And I loved it made my day! ;-)

I could have bought the lot...but I didn't!!;-)


  1. Just gorgeous!
    Like you...I really love little road side stalls with their honesty boxes...such an English scene!
    Love Amanda (Shabby Chick) xxx

  2. They are gorgeous. Think I will look out for the table next we pass through Dartington
    Julie xxxxxxxxxxxx

  3. Sal, those are lovely - and to get the container, too, for such reasonable prices is a steal!
    Margaret P


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