Sunday, 28 August 2011

Onions and fabrics... and vintage things... in a teacup.

Yesterday, we made our way down to Cornwall, to a little place called St Agnes.

'Vintage in a Teacup' was taking place in the church hall,

which had this lovely mural on one wall:

There were some gorgeous stalls there.

I spotted this little bit of 50s Alfred Meakin on one stall.


My stall was next to, 'Dig for Victory'!

I have to say that my fabrics have never before been exhibited next to onions,

spuds, kale, cooking apples, cucumbers

and there's a first time for everything!

And jolly fine onions they were too...I brought some home!

I love to see stringed onions!

I also spotted Tubby Trex...a huge favourite of mine when I was little!

(And another fave, Milly Molly Mandy, nearby!)

We had a lovely day and the people were exceedingly particular

the tea room waiters and waitress!

A big 'well done' to the organisers of this event, Siobhan and Tina.

'Vintage' has certainly hit Cornwall!

Hope everyone is having a lovely bank holiday weekend!



  1. Now that's my kind of vintage ... it looks like the real thing 99% of the time, not CK let's-jump-on-the-vintage-band-wagon-and-create-vintage-look-things-and-make-a-packet-in-the-process stuff (sorry, all you CK fans!) And to have tea there, that really is the icing on the cake, har, har! I was only explaining to Himself yesterday who Milly Molly Mandy was (he'd not heard of her, but then he wouldn't have done: Tarzan and Biggles were for him when he was a boy!)
    Margaret P

  2. What fun! I wish I'd been there looking for treasures and ideas then enjoying a big piece of fruitcake. I love the "Dig for Victory" sign. Maybe this year I'll grow enough onions to hang in generous bunches. XXX

  3. It all looks wonderful - must get to some more!
    Julie xxxxxxx

  4. Initially I found our cuzzin Jacks warm ,friendly and welcoming
    Soon the darker side of their customs and culture showed themselves in their true light
    I was outraged to find at such a genteel affair, such public executions.
    What had they done?
    Had they had a fair trial?
    Was there no alternative punishment?
    Was there a peel process ? ( groan )
    I know in my heart of hearts that they didn't do it, cos I know my onions

    Barbaric indeed, no chance to proclaim the St Agnes 7 were innocent or not and call for their freedom

    Rhubarb! I hear you say
    Well maybe we'll talk about them soon

  5. So glad you had a lovely day!

  6. Thank you for your great comment Sal! Hope the lovely looking Cornwall fair was profitable! xx


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