Monday, 22 August 2011

Homespun... and the beauty of Portscatho! ;-)

Yesterday, at 6am, Mr S and I set off for Portscatho, Cornwall to take part

in the Homespun Fair.

We love this little trip down to the Roseland peninsula.

If it hadn't been for Christine, Jane and Gertie organising

this event then we may never have fallen in love

with this little 'jewel of a place'!

The views are stunning and the walk along the coast path

just HAS to be done.

When the fair was over, we did a mad dash down the hill

to get to Christine's delightful shop,

'The Sea Garden'.

I loved this painting, hanging on her wall.

And the shop was crammed full of delightful things.

And the Homespun Fair?

Well that was delightful too OF COURSE!

There was a good mix of gorgeous, vintage items

and beautiful, handmade creations.

We met up with some lovely people..and...quite unexpectedly...

I've found myself signing up to do another fair this coming Saturday!

This time, it'll be near north Cornwall coast, at a place called St Agnes!

More details to follow re:


So watch this space!!



  1. Looks fabulous! Lucky tourists to get such a wonderful vintage treat whilst in the area. 'Vintage in a Teacup' sounds extremely promising too!

  2. OH dear.........another place to seek out and visit!!
    Julie xxxxxx

  3. Lovely photos of a lovely fair and beautiful part of our world!
    Love Amanda (Shabby Chick) xxx

  4. I really must take exception to this blog

    Where oh where are more pictures of the lovely Meggy Moo?

    Now she IS gorgeous

    What is the point of being a Granfer well connected to the blogger herself, if there are no perks

    Come on Snippets, get it sorted


    Sorry blogland, you may tire of her as a subject but hopefully appreciate that I never will

  5. Wow hoe pretty is that place! Love the images from the fair too :)

    All things nice...

  6. Thanks for the great pics Sal, and so glad you love coming down to Portscatho and our Fair! It's lovely people like you dedicating their time and effort to travel all the way to be with us that makes Homespun such an enjoyable event. Hope your other fair goes well for you too!
    Christine x

  7. Great pix as always Sal. Good luck with the new fair at the weekend!

  8. Found this whilst blog hopping. We were on holiday in Portscatho last week . Sadly we left on Saturday so couln't come to Homespun but I did visit the shop. We have been visiting Portscatho for the last 35 years and we love it. I also love your photographs.

  9. Sal - what amazing photographs! Thank you so much for creating a wonderful record of the event, and including my stall which didn't feature on the other site!It was a fantastic day wasn't it? Great to meet you and to compare our similar backgrounds.Hope that you do well in St Agnes!


Thank you for taking the time to comment! ;-)