Wednesday, 1 June 2011

Memories... and things to come!

On Monday morning, I was having a natter and a cuppa with my mum

We were discussing the wonderful times that we had

when we visited The Chelsea Flower Show.

This was back in the late 1970s/early 1980s.

We were both teaching in Surrey at the time and although unable to

take the day off work, after school we would hop on a train from Woking

...and be there in no time!

And that was the best bit of the day, less busy and more calm.

If the weather was good, even better.

I soooo loved my visits to Chelsea and can honestly say that the

first time is the best...the wow factor takes over as the stunning displays

knock one for six!! I will never forget walking into the tent

where the Delphiniums were displayed!

And one year, (I can't recall which) there was the most beautiful cottage garden.

Oh and not forgetting those beautiful Beth Chatto displays!

I have photos in a drawer, somewhere...this was thirty years ago... in the

days when I thought that my Kodak instamatic camera was so cool!

''I have some programmes somewhere...would you like to borrow them?''

said mum.

''Oh yes please!'

And so I did!

To show you all!

Although only 30+ years old, some of the adverts really do tickle me !

One of my first gardening books was by the very famous Percy Thrower.

I mean, he was Mr Gardening, wasn't he?

Lucky the family who can afford two lawn mowers!!

(Ah... just been pointed out that he is using a rotovator!
I thought his grass looked a bit dead!)

Ah now this brings me on to something that we've been looking for

for ages...

Let's look a little for a while, we've been thinking about

one of these for our garden.

Yesterday, we found ourselves at Fermoys Garden Centre.

We only looked in quickly to have a look at the herbaceous

perennials as we've recently dug a new border. thing leads to another and as we got back to the car, Mr S said,

''Well, don't you want to look at the girlie sheds?''

At first, I was more interested in the view of the tractor and what was beyond!

Anyway...wander we did!

All I can say is this space ...I'm off to study colour charts!

LOL ;-)


  1. Thanks for the shed peeks! When I stay with my son in the UK I love to go look at shed; we don't have them like you do in the UK and I WANT one!!!!!!

  2. I went to Chelsea once in the eighties - ;leaving Wolverhampton where I then lived at 6am I was there when it opened its gates - on members' day. The crowds were horrendous and there was a tremendous thunder storm. I loved it but because of the crowds I was desperate to leave by early afternoon.

  3. What a fabulous collection of brochures you have - I have a bit of a thing for collecting them when i visit anywhere. It is a really memory booster of the best kind!
    Those sheds are soooo gorgeous!

  4. I only went once to Chelsea, it was a very hot day and it was the last day with the frantic bun fight when people grab the plants that are being sold off. It was chaos and although I have some fond memories, I'd never go again on the last day!

    Shed is wonderful. I love my little garden house, as you know!

    Out with the Farrow & Ball colour chart, Sal and buy some brushes for Mr Snippets!!!

    Margaret P

  5. No Dear

    He is using a rotavator

    Now! If she was pushing a vacuum cleaner then I'd be impressed lol!

  6. Hi Sal,
    Loved to see the Chelsea Show catalogues! Amazing!
    And now I am curious to see what you have been up to... are we going to see a girlie shed decorated Sal's Snipets style?? ;)

  7. I love going to Chelsea but haven't been for a couple of years now. Those old show guides are fantastic, I find it fascinating looking through old adverts in things like that.

  8. I think a girl shed is a must...I have my eye on a very fine one from John Lewis but I need to save a few more pennies....

    See you tomorrow!

  9. I love sheds, so these pictures were great, thanks.

    I haven't been to the Chelsea Flower Show for a few years now, but always watch it on tv and love all your memorabilia. What an incredible collection!


Thank you for taking the time to comment! ;-)