Monday, 24 March 2025

Waking early!

Sunday…and waking early! I tried to stay in bed a little longer but I couldn’t get back to sleep. What to do? Well, obviously put on the kettle! 

That done, I looked at my newly acquired rubber stamp. I don’t  tend to buy many as I have a few that I bought some years ago...but this one jumped out at me…a bargain! And I knew that I could do something with it! 

Out with the Marvy pens! I do love these pens!I have had them a number of years and they have lasted and lasted! So a bit more colouring in! (‘What are you, seven?’) ( Brownie points if you can name that advert!)  😄

And then came looking for backing paper and borders. And here I digress for a moment…talking of borders! 

Have you noticed how people get ‘borders’ and ‘boarders’  totally muddled…and they say, ‘ We must protect our BOARDERS!’  

That always makes me laugh!

Moving on…and the cards are beginning to take shape…

And a little more faffing around!


I rather enjoyed doing these..well worth the £1.50 on the stamp, don’t you think? I do! A bargain! 

I’ll be looking out for more bargains on Friday as my daughter is taking me to a craft show at Wespoint, just outside Exeter. You can take a look here
I’m off to view the exhibitors list, right now.

Meanwhile, I’ve put the cards in my shop ( on the sidebar) 


1 comment:

  1. I believe that is a Barclays Bank advert.
    Never to old or young for a bit of colouring in - the tulips look lovely.


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