Friday, 21 March 2025

Thursday and Friday…

Yesterday, William did some art and craft with me! We made a ‘right mess’ doing leaf printing for the butterfly wings and then he had fun colouring some Easter chicks! Next week, he wants to do Easter egg art…Watch this space! We both enjoy his art sessions! (And he always knows that he will have a piece of cake, afterwards!)

Today, we  took another trip to Longcombe Cross nursery. I love seeing what they have done in the greenhouse and today was a real treat!

Spring is at its best here and I think they were preparing for Mothering Sunday…

Outside there were also some lovely touches…

I came home with one of these Lewisias! ( And an Aubretia, two Creeping Jenny plants and a small pot of Red Riding Hood Tulips!)

I always feel so inspired when I visit Longcombe; they really make an effort with displays.

Finally… a few days ago, my very handy, ‘other half’  made me these plant markers with some offcuts of wood. My daughter is going to paint them and do the lettering for herb plants. My raised bed will look ‘ever so trendy’! 



  1. What a lovely couple of days, and the sun made them even better (though the sun has been a little absent here today!)

  2. Looks like you had fun, even if a mess was made. Beautiful garden. Will get you added to my blog list.

  3. The butterflies look so bright and beautiful. It looks like you had lots of fun creating their colourful wings with William.
    Your herb garden will be very unique with those plant markers. Well done to your 'other half' and daughter for making and painting them.


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