Wednesday, 12 March 2025

Planting and plants

Not long after we moved here, I planted some herbs in these old, weathered, stone containers

Time went by…and two years later…

…they became somewhat overgrown.

And so, at the weekend, I decided that I’d re-do them…with a little help, naturally!

When my other half does something in the garden, he doesn’t waste time! And so in no time at all, he had emptied them and refilled them with new compost!

I’d already decided that I’d move all of my herbs to my raised bed, at the back of the garden… 

The photo, above, is from last summer, before I’d planted my Sweet Peas. 


The photo, below, is from late summer, after I’d removed the dead Sweet Peas and made a start on planting a few herbs plus over-wintering my Foxgloves. (Note the lush clump of Comfrey!) I love Comfrey as it’s good for the bees AND it’s easy to make ‘Comfrey soup’ which is a good, liquid feed for the garden. (It does ‘pong’ after a while but that’s bearable if you put it in a corner of the garden well away from the house!) All I do is put the leaves into buckets of water…and leave it for a few weeks. Lovely stuff!😁


Last summer, I was lucky enough to have these new containers made for me, with a view to growing my Sweet Peas here. My trusty other half is going to fix some trellis, soonish!

My mind then turned to choosing some plants for the old, stone containers. My garden is very green all year around, with plenty of evergreen trees /shrubs… but it lacks colour. And so I thought I’d take a trip to one of my favourite online nurseries, just to see what they had on offer. 

It’s called D’arcy and Everest and they are specialists in home grown, alpine plants and perennials. I grow many of my own plants but if I’m buying, I do prefer to buy home grown rather than plants that are brought in from abroad! 

Having a lazy Sunday, I browsed their collection and eventually selected six plants for each container and a couple of extra (to get the free shipping!)
I chose:

                               Dianthus deltoides 'Flashing Lights'

                                  Saponaria bressingham AGM

    Phlox subulata 'Kimono

Leucanthemum x superbum Nanus 'Dwarf Snow Lady'

 Erigeron elegantulus 

Phlox caespitosa 

                          Aubretia ' darcies’ hybrids

 Dianthus 'darcies’ Pink Floss

Primula x pubescens 'Rachel Kinnen

                     Primula auricula Alice Haysom

Erigeron glaucus 'Beachboy White'

  Primula viallii AGM 

   Allium Senescens Subsp Glaucum

     Thymus Bressingham Pink 

I’m really looking forward to getting these planted!

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