Sunday, 16 March 2025

A birthday…


On Friday afternoon, we made our way to The Redcliffe Hotel, Paignton. It’s a hotel where we’ve had many enjoyable family gatherings. We’ve visited many times over the years and it’s also where Nich and Lizzie were married. 

It was my husband’s birthday on Friday and as I’d been given a voucher for afternoon tea for two, when it was my birthday, last month , I suggested that we use it to celebrate.

And very pleasant it was too! Sandwiches, cream tea, cake…and sea views!

A very lovely birthday trip…simple and enjoyable. And the weather stayed fine.


On Saturday, whilst my husband was beavering away, making my trellis, I planted my two old stone containers. I then wandered around the garden…

I do love this time of year when everything is waking up from its winter sleep. 

There’s a reasonable amount of tidying to do but I’ve made a start and then I’ll look towards sowing my seeds…it’s still very cold here so there’s no rush!


  1. Happy birthday to your husband. Nice tea! I like seeing freshly planted containers - they look so promising.

  2. Your garden is full of beautiful glowers.

  3. Belated birthday wishes to your husband. Your afternoon tea looks delicious. X


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