Monday 26 August 2024

There and back! 😁


For two years, I’ve kicked myself! πŸ˜‚ 

And I’ve constantly reminded my other half about certain things I left behind when we moved house! I think he’s suffered an enormous amount of earache in the process! 

I’d been very unwell and so the whole moving house procedure was all left to him to deal with…and he did it perfectly too. He just said not to worry and that we could re- purchase anything that we’d forgotten. And I guess that in the grand scheme of things, he was right…

One of the said items that stayed behind, was a very large, tin bath. I think they look wonderful with herbs planted in them, which is what I had done previously.

I bought my tin bath in 2013, at a vintage fair, and it wasn’t very expensive. However, since those days, for some reason, prices have gone sky high and I’d almost given up finding another. I’d looked in various places but I refused to pay the ‘stupid money’ that was being asked. Anyway…


Hold that thought! 😁

It’s bank holiday Monday and the one thing that you don’t do, if you live in South Devon, is leave your house!! Oh noooo!

And so…we left our house! πŸ˜†

Now, I’ve seen many stupid things on the roads but today must’ve been, ‘Numpties on tour’ !
The traffic across Dartmoor was busy and it wasn’t helped by some idiot in front of us, stopping and putting their window down in order to stroke a Dartmoor pony. I ask you!  

On we ploughed. 

The scenery on Dartmoor is stunning at the moment, as the gorse and heather mingle together, beautifully.

But the weather can change just like that!

It is at times like this I recall the wonderful book, ‘The Hound of the Baskervilles’ by Sir Arthur Conan Doyle…and such words and phrases as: ‘gloomy’; ‘so barren’; so mysterious’; ‘like some fantastic landscape in a dream’ etc!

And then it brightened up again as we passed ‘The Dartmoor Inn, at Merrivale’ and continued onwards towards Tavistock…we were on a mission! 

The return journey was less busy but nevertheless, just as beautiful.

Back at home, the first thing to do was to put on the kettle! 

The second thing to do was arrange a ‘site meeting!’ You know, one of those meetings that is similar to when Christmas comes and you can’t decide where to put the Christmas tree and so you try it in various and many places, only to find that the first place you chose was the best after all! 




  1. Dartmoor looks beautiful but busy, and the bath will look good when filled too.

  2. Yay! I can't wait to see it planted up. Xx

  3. Now the earache will cease :-)

  4. Lovely scenery and the tin bath looks great and will be beautiful when it's planted up and in bloom


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