Monday 22 July 2024

So much going on in the garden!

It’s been a warm few days here in South Devon, interspersed with some night time rain... ‘proper growing weather’, as I always say. I took my camera around the garden, earlier, and so this is a bit of a garden heavy post!


I’ve been beavering away, pricking out seedlings, and boy have they been coming up quickly!
I sowed some pink Clover seeds and some Sainfoin, seeds, two days ago…and that’s showing already!

I have pink Foxgloves, apricot Foxgloves, Honesty, Forget-Me-Nots, Erysimum, Ragged Robin and Chives, all doing very nicely for next year.

But this summer, I’m loving my Sweet Peas! Along with Borage and Hydrangea, it’s all looking really pretty.

This Dahlia, below, is  ‘Antique Caramel’ .I’ve not grown this one before; it’s rather lovely!

And the Ladybird Poppies are always fun!

The Nemesia plants have just gone on and on and on…I have to admit that I bought these from Plant World, ages ago, and they just don’t stop flowering!

And a rose that’s also gone on and on, is Roald Dahl.It’s been stunning!

Quietly getting on with life, is ‘ The Fairy’, a miniature, patio rose that is in its second year here, and it just keeps producing more and more blooms!

In the early spring, I purchased some tiny, Fuchsia, plug plants …

‘ Devonshire Dumpling’

And now they are just coming into bloom.

Ah, features…I couldn’t leave her behind when we moved and she tickles me!

This little area, where I have a container pond, is thriving…

And my sinks are happy too.

But, you know, in life…THERE’S ALWAYS ONE…

And nearby, having the laziest of days is….

I think I’ll just sit and do the same for a few minutes! 


  1. It all looks so lovely. Especially the area around the container pond. Xx

  2. Stunning colours, your garden is lovely.

  3. Glorious! A treat every time you go to the garden!

  4. How beautiful your garden is, so much colour. I enjoyed your photos:)

  5. What a beautifully vibrant and colourful garden you have!


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