Monday 1 July 2024

Junk and Roses!

I love a trip to Toby’s reclamation yard, which is situated next to the main line from Paddington to Penzance, at Exminster.
There was once a station right here but that closed for passengers in 1964.

And so now, it’s a reclamation yard, Toby’s. And you can wander to your heart’s content whilst the trains whizz by, quite frequently.

We called in there, yesterday. I was actually searching for an old tin bath but they didn’t have any in stock.
Nonetheless, I enjoyed the browse! 


Meanwhile, back at home, some of my favourite roses have come into bloom…



Peace is my most favourite rose..ever! 


And of course..I mustn’t forget..


Which seems to be giggling all over the place right now! 😂



  1. I like the stone dog at Toby's :-)
    I've seen Giggles on another blog recently. It's pretty, but then, aren't they all.

  2. Toby's looks a good place to browse - it reminds me a bit of Brigsty Vintage Centre in Herefordshire. Your roses are looking beautiful. Peace is a stunning rose. My father used to grow a lot of roses when I was little. We had a circular rose garden with a path round it and behind that was a rockery. I wish we had more here but we only have dog roses which are to be fair lovely in their own way.


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