Thursday 20 June 2024

The things that please….

We’ve always called these ‘Devon Daisies’ even though the proper name is Erigeron karvinskianus or Mexican Fleabane. They grow everywhere, it seems! A garden must for me! Reliable, trusty and never lets you down! 

Similarly… Erysimum, Bowles Mauve. One of the best!

This little place always makes me smile. It might only be a small container pond, yet we do have damsel flies visiting and birds flitting around every now and again.

I’m loving this thyme, it’s particularly vivid at the moment.

‘This Wonderful Life’ is a rose that was gifted to me when we moved here and it partners well with the Scabious.

All of my Nemesia are doing well but I’m really looking forward to the appearance of the Anemone, which I’ve planted with some Antirrhinum. in the pot in front of the Nemesia.

Above, is something that I think all gardens should have: COMFREY! My lovely patch has already flowered and I’ve cut it back, thrown a load of the leaves in a bucket of water, as I frequently do, and boy does it stink! 🤣😆 Comfrey soup!  It will do the garden the world of good…although sometimes I throw it straight into the compost bins. Yum! Eventually, this will find its way to my raised bed.

I spend a lot of time sitting here and sowing, pricking out and potting. Last week, I sowed a load of wild flowers, Foxgloves and Honesty. And in no time at all, it has all germinated…we finally have warm weather. 

My raised bed is green and lush; I’m just waiting for the Sweet Peas to flower, as well as the Borage that I grew from seed …and the Dahlias.

I love this shady spot too. Later, in July/ August, the Hydrangeas will be in bloom and this really enhances this area.

I’ve not grown Coleus for years and so when I spotted these at the Powderham Nursery, I was delighted. 

The Lavender in the garden is lovely, this year. And the bees love it.

This is one of my new Geum…Pink Petticoats. Gorgeous!

           And finally…

The Philadelphus is stunning and the scent, divine!

I wonder what’s going on in your garden right now?



  1. Your garden is looking a treat, lots of colour and plenty to enjoy. I love erigeron, especially when in cascades down a staircase, such a cheerful plant.

  2. Very productive and delightful.

  3. Your garden is very colourful, all your hard work has paid off, I have just planted Fleabane in one bed, I want a soft edge, can't wait for them to grow.

  4. Your garden is looking particularly beautiful. And I imagine everything is thriving in this sunny weather.
    Also, just to let you know that I have a new URL for my blog.


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