Friday 13 October 2023

Snippets …and meeting a blogger from across the pond.

The October garden has been lovely…and somewhat one of an extended summer. We’ve had warm, wet weather which has given everything a new lease of life. Yet,I think that is about to come to an end as the weekend approaches…colder weather is forecast.

On Monday, we had a very important date!  

We were meeting with a lovely blogger and her husband; they had arrived in the U.K. from the US, the day before, on Sunday. I think they were feeling slightly jet lagged but nevertheless, we arranged to meet on Monday at 3pm at a place called The Willows, just outside Torquay.

We made our way to Torquay… via the nursery that we love…and my beady eyes immediately saw this…

Oooooh! And then that ‘sinking’ feeling! 

Of course, it wasn’t for sale! Nooooo!  😂

Anyway, after a browse, coffee and a light lunch, we drove to The Willows. Once there, I sat and waited for my other half to have a browse in the men’s clothing whilst I eyed the rather lovely pumpkins with their cheesey grins…

We had not met Mary and her husband, before, and so we sat down at the arranged spot, carefully looking at the shoppers who were approaching the cafe! Eventually, we spotted each other and found a place to sit and natter whilst the men ordered the drinks! We swapped some small gifts and I think we talked and talked for two hours! It was lovely to put a face to the name on whose blog I’ve been visiting since 2008! And here is Mary’s blog. 

Hopefully, we will meet again in the not too distant future.

And now…I guess that I’ll be searching for a vintage garden sink, as per the photo! 😂😆😱 


  1. How nice to meet a blogging friend.
    I like the use the old sink has been put to:-)

  2. It's lovely to meet other bloggers! Glad you and Mary had such a nice time together. I love that sink full of flowers too, what a great idea

  3. Dearest Sal, I'm trying to catch up with life but seem to have run out of steam! Still just struggling to get over that rotten chest infection I picked up during the visit - but a little better each day thankfully.
    Meeting up with you both was awesome - both Bob and I talk about it a lot and hope you continue to stay well. With such a charming hubby I know you are well cared for - T's definitely a keeper!
    I'll be back soon to catch up on all those fabulous posts I see you writing - no doubt now that the Holiday season is getting close seeing so much color and fun things. We are going away for Thanksgiving so please be patient . . . . . . .just know I haven't forgotten you of course.
    Big hugs from us both XX


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