Saturday 21 October 2023

More workspace! 😁


Yesterday morning, we had a lovely, rain free and very warm, few hours and I was outside (in my t shirt!), having a good tidy up. It was, as the words say on the picture above:

 ‘ Gardening gladdens the heart and sweetens the soul’! 

I’m not one of these people who absolutely hates the winter months as I actually prefer cooler weather. I don’t suffer from ‘SAD’  etc but I don’t look forward to not being able to get out in the garden as often. And so I’ve been trying to think of what to do when the really cold and wet weather comes along.

When we moved here, last year, due to my health problems, we downsized. Previously, I had a room for my teaching, a room for my sewing/ crafts and a room for my ‘library’. When the children left home, it was easy to ‘spread out’ and fill the spare rooms! And I was so lucky to enjoy that space for some years. 

However, we then moved house and that’s where it all became tricky! Three rooms into one room? Hmmmm! It broke my heart to either give away or throw away so much!  I gave hundreds of books to three different schools and that was fine because they’d were all in superb condition and the schools were really happy to have them. That done, I then had to put on the hat that said, ‘RUTHLESS’!  That was the difficult bit!

And so the fun began. 

My new room is 12 ft 7 ins by 7ft 9 ins!  And so it was a case of thinking very carefully about the space and how to use it efficiently. And we did that and I bought some bookshelves, a new desk and some drawer units and I have been really happy in my new workroom… apart from one thing. Desk space! And so, a few days ago, we decided to jiggle things around a little and after some measuring, we worked out that we could JUST fit in another desk! 

And so…on Thursday, I rang the owner of my favourite shop in Totnes, ‘Little Blue Budgie’, where I’d previously bought the first desk, and can you believe that he was able to arrange delivery of the new desk for the next day! Yesterday! Incredible service! I like that kind of service!

Here it is: 

My other half soon put this together and he also sorted out extension/ adaptors for my radio, sewing machine, lamps etc etc and I spent the rest of the day doing what I love doing…organising, arranging…re-arranging etc etc! 😁

You can’t really see the desks but they are there doing a fab job!

And I now have more room to work…sewing is on the agenda. I bought these two books a few weeks ago and having had so many people mention, ‘slow stitching’, that’s what I’m going to do…I’m ready…

                            That is, until the gardening takes over!

                            ‘Little Blue Budgie’ can be found here

Meanwhile, have a very happy weekend! 


  1. I share my crafting space with hubby, in previous house I had my own room, we put a long kitchen worktop along one wall for use as desk's, it works for us and I get loads of crafting space when I need it.

  2. That is such good service. I love your gardening picture - it would make a wonderful cross stitch in the right dimensions.

  3. Sooner or later I will have to face the fact of downsizing, but it is going to be a real wrench whenI have to start culling books. It will be akin to lopping off my arm!

  4. I like winter actually. It’s a great season for a naturalist to explore life forms and life styles unique to the season.

  5. I love your heading pictures set out, I am very envious of it.. and I have the awful job of getting rid of stuff I've just written about it on my blog, its not easy is it? I have a room to sew but just have to clear some stuff first. Loved reading your blog.


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