Saturday 16 September 2023

Things definitely happen for the best!

Yes they do!

Recently, I ordered some pond plants on eBay. Part of the order was a pack of three plants which arrived in a dreadful state: 

One plant was mostly dead, very yellow and fit for the bin. Another consisted of one leaf…no stem, no roots, just a leaf. LOL! The third was barely passable. All three were nothing like advertised in the seller’s photo.

And so, because pond plants aren’t cheap, I messaged the seller and complained, in the nicest possible way, of course.

A day later, I received a message to say that they would re-send them. This took almost a week as I had to remind them…and then I received a message from the delivery people to say that my plants had been delivered through my letter box! Well, you can guess…they were nowhere near my letter box and I read the message and realised that the address on the shipping details…was not even mine! 

I picked up the phone and spoke to a somewhat efficious woman, who said, ‘Well, maybe the package will eventually get to you…’

Ummm…well seeing as my correct address was not on the package, I don’t know how she worked that out unless the plants were psychic and could get up and walk. So I said that the mistake was clearly at their end and please could they re-send. She reluctantly said they would sort it out. I came off the phone not feeling that confident and so I decided to also message them on eBay as well. I received a message the following day to say that they would resend.

A few days after that came the message from the delivery company to say that my package had been delivered, yet again, through my letter box! 😂🤣😫

You can guess, can’t you? 

Yep…so now, someone, somewhere, has received two packages, meant for me, with pond plants in them.

I was going around in circles by now and so I messaged the seller, yet again, saying that surely it wasn’t difficult to write a customer’s address correctly… and then I asked for an immediate refund. The next day, I received that refund with an apology. But I don’t think they really cared one little bit!

I’d now wasted two weeks of my life and I was losing the will to live. I wanted the plants and so I searched online; what I wanted was out of stock at various pond plant suppliers. However, I eventually came across a supplier…and crossed my fingers that this time, everything would, work out ok. 

I placed my order with them at 10am this Weds, and on Thurs morning, the plants were with me!

I wasn’t used to this! What amazing service! So I went back to their site, and as I’m in the middle of making another container pond, (this time a larger one), I ordered some more.

Yesterday morning, they arrived! Well, what can I say?

It just shows that it CAN be done! That is service at its best and how it should be! 

I emailed the company expressing my delight. Not only had I received a very speedy delivery but the plants are superb. And I also left a review on their Facebook page..and they replied to that saying it meant so much to them! 

I won’t be going anywhere else for my pond plants in the future, that’s for sure!

This is their website. I can’t recommend them highly enough! 



  1. The mere idea of ordering plants on line seems odd to me. Is there not a local garden centre when you can go and look at the plants before you buy and take them straight home? In any event, I am glad that it all ended well in the end.

    1. Yes, there are local garden centres but these were pond plants and there’s nowhere locally selling such a range. However, there are also some brilliant online nurseries which are heaps better than many garden centres! Plus, I far prefer to buy my plants from a specialist, if I’m not growing them myself.

  2. It's so encouraging when one gets good service. I'm glad your plants arrived so promptly.

  3. I'm glad everything worked out in the end. I think we've become far too used to shoddy service these days. X

  4. How wonderful, I thoughly enjoyed all your photos. It gives me pond envy too :)


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