Tuesday 1 August 2023


Just as Ocado rang the doorbell to deliver some groceries, at the same time, look what came visiting yesterday, early evening! Sadly, this means one less pigeon in the garden but that’s nature for you! And it’s another one to add to the bird list.

Meanwhile…on to something sweeter…

Yesterday morning, I was awake, very early, and I couldn’t get back to sleep. So rather than lie there, I got out of bed and, after a cuppa, I wandered to the greenhouse/ potting area and there were my five pyramids of Sweet Peas, soaking wet and very weighed down with the rain. However, there were plenty of blooms and so, giddy with the scent, I set to, picking. I came indoors with yet another, large bunch.

Over the last couple of months, my plants have produced an enormous amount of blooms; I really can’t complain at this lot, can I? However, I think I’m going to clear the Sweet Peas now, partly because I have other plants growing in the raised bed and they really need the room…and also my raised bed is going to be re - made and extended in the autumn…so I want to sit down with a cuppa on the bench and really think hard about how I’m going to use it the area.

As I was picking, I suddenly remembered my lovely book! How could I have forgotten it? It’s a charming, delightful book and for a moment I thought, ‘Hmmm..did I keep it?’  I got rid of so many books when we moved! I rushed into my library/ craft room…and phew…there it was in the ‘Gardening’ section!😁

Here are a few snippets….

Finally, the rain must’ve played havoc with many Hollyhocks, too, because as I walked to the post box, this beauty was blocking the pavement. A lovely colour and I far prefer the single varieties!


  1. What a pleasure and a thrill to have the Sparrowhawk visit. That would have made my day.

  2. That was a wonderful shot of the sparrowhawk. Well done! Poor pigeon, though.
    Your sweet pea book is charming with delightful illustrations - a real 'pick up and dip in' book.

  3. Your sweet peas look beautiful. The rain has played havoc with everything here. We could really use some sunshine just now. Xx

  4. Lovely sweet peas and the book looks lovely too. We found a dead pigeon squab on the grass yesterday. It looked as if it had been pecked at quite a lot but hadn't been consumed. So sad but as you say it's nature:)


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