Thursday 10 August 2023

Much garden inspiration !

One of my favourite pastimes is to visit other gardens. They might be large and grand or they might be small and perfectly formed but whatever they are, I love it! My husband would say that…I’m nosey! πŸ˜‚ But there’s more to it than that! I always find something to motivate me and I always go home to my own garden feeling so enthusiastic and inspired.

In recent years, we’ve enjoyed wandering around the open gardens organised by the NGS …National Garden Scheme. We’ve seen such a variety of gardens at such a variety of properties. We’ve seen lovely planting and superb colour combinations. We’ve seen water features and rock gardens. We’ve even seen village allotments. And my head is always buzzing with ideas when I return home.

Yesterday, we visited good friends and this is always a treat. Their garden is a smallish town garden…but with a LARGE dose of inspiration! In fact, I always think that is a small garden with a BIG heart!

Splashes of unique, attractive, garden ornaments, here and there, also add to the flavour and enhance the whole garden. It really is a joy to sit and take it all in.

The Japanese Anemone has just come into bloom and the colour is stunning.

I also love these birds, which add interest to the side of the shed…they are getting nowhere fast and yet they still portray movement!

I’ve never seen a red passion flower ...what a treat!

I certainly came home with a smile on my face, and as well as the six hours spent in good company, with good food, good conversation, the laughs and the fun, I also bought two, vintage garden sinks that are excess to my friend’s needs. She happened to mention that she is selling them and so, being in the right place at the right time, I offered to buy them! And she can put the money towards something new that she has earmarked for her delightful garden.  Result!πŸ˜‚



  1. There is a fundamental difference between being nosey and being curious, and your interest in other gardens represents a healthy curiosity.

  2. There are some lovely, whimsical things in your friend's garden to catch the eye and bring a smile.

  3. What a lovely garden, so many beautiful flowers and sweet bird and cat decorations!

  4. What a lovely garden your friends have and as you say full of inspiration. We once had an old vintage sink but sadly got rid of it at some time but they do look lovely planted up. I used to put mesbryanthemums in mine! - gosh I haven't grown those for years! I'd heard of NGS but only this year started to visit some and the two we have been too were lovely.

    1. I’d forgotten about Mesembryanthemum! I used to grow those years ago! I was always fascinated how they would open when the sun came out! 😁

  5. The garden looks beautiful. And I love how you describe it as a small garden with a big heart. X


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