Friday 11 August 2023

Back to the garden…


Taking pride of place, in our garden, is a tree fern! When we moved here we couldn’t believe our luck! It was something that we’d always wanted in our garden but to buy a well established tree fern, one would have to give considerable thought…the price being quite high! And so the delight on our faces was obvious when we saw it. I remember whilst we were waiting to move, it did cross our minds that the previous owner of the house might attempt to take the tree fern with them! But as it is so large, we thought that was highly unlikely.

I’ve often said that when one buys a house, it can be hit and miss where the garden is concerned. If you inherit a well stocked garden, that garden can be worth a lot of money! I think that people forget the value in a garden. I think that house agents too, overlook this. I know that what’s in a garden probably doesn’t add massive value to the price of a house but take a tree fern, for instance; a six foot tree fern can cost £400-£500. Ours is much taller!  Of course, many people might prefer to have a blank canvas in a new garden and so they aren’t bothered about what’s in it. But when I looked around our garden and compared it to another that was on the market at the same time and at a similar price, ours was so well stocked and full of a good variety of trees, shrubs and perennial plants and the other garden was bare with very little in it. Had we opted for the alternative, it would’ve cost a lot to plant the garden.

I think we’ve been very lucky! Having inherited a garden that is not only well stocked, it has been very well thought out, so that just as one thing finishes flowering, another takes it’s place. I’ve been pleasantly surprised! They always say that you should leave a garden for a year and not do too much to it until you’ve seen what each month has to offer. We’ve tried to do this, and apart from removing a couple of very large plants in order to allow others to breathe, all that I’ve done is add planters and pots to the patio plus a few perennials to fill any gaps in the borders.

My first job, last year, was to re- plant some large, permanent stone planters which were badly in need of new compost. And the herbs are thriving! I love herbs in a garden! Thyme and Marjoram are my favourites but I love all herbs! 

Meanwhile, I was so glad that I planted Nasturtium seeds somewhat late in the season, as they are making quite a show now.

However, as far as summer plants that go on and on and on, the prizes have to go to the Nemesia and Erysimum ‘Bowles Mauve’ …they have been the stars of the garden for longevity!

Of course, it isn’t always beautiful flowers that catch the eye! I was looking around, yesterday and I noticed this Pulmonaria in the shade…

And a white Hebe just starting to bloom…

There’s always something to pop up and please! And now I’m off to do some dead heading!

 Have a happy day! 😁


  1. A new garden must be such a joy. I often wonder what prospective buyers would make of our garden. It's high-maintenance but full of insect and bird-friendly plants and a great contrast to the carefully maintained and tidy gardens around us.

  2. Tree ferns are certainly spectacular. You're clearly a keen and able gardener. I'm not but nevertheless I do enjoy other people's gardens and yours looks a delight. It must be fun waiting to see what springs up where in a new garden.

  3. For many, at least around here, the garden was secondary since they intended to turn the backyard into a pool anyway. Thank goodness that madness seems to have evaporated, and more people are looking at native plants to support pollinators and other wildlife. It’s a great trend, still not dominant, but increasing in popularity.

  4. I love the tree fern I really do. I must admit when I go through house sale alerts sent to me the first thing I look at is the garden and you are right estate agents do tend to ignore them. Kitchen is important too and I do like a bit of character but the garden is SO important to us. I feel the same about herbs and nasturtiums too.


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