Monday 24 July 2023

Climbers in the garden!


The joys of technology! We’ve been very much aware that a hedgehog has been visiting our garden for some weeks now. However, thanks to the wonders of technology, we’ve been able to deduce that we actually have more than one hedgehog. The video above shows two of these lovely animals but there’s a possibility that even more are visiting; we can tell this by the marks on these hedgehogs.

This photo made me laugh. Hedgehogs are, of course, very good at climbing. We now know that they arrive in the garden by climbing steps at the side of the house and we also know that they climb up and down these steps, that are in the back garden.

Meanwhile, we are so fortunate to live a few minutes away from, ‘ Plant World’. We made a short trip to Plant World, yesterday. It’s a wonderful place where the gardens are laid out to represent the five continents of the world. Many rare, unusual plants are grown there and the added bonus is the setting:  the gardens offer views of The River Teign. 

Furthermore, Plant World also sells its own seeds and a good range is on sale either there or online. You can access the info here

As we wandered around, this stunning Sea Holly caught my eye! I mean, you can just walk by a plant like this and ignore it! What a beauty!

And a gorgeous Agapanthus greeted us as we arrived.

This Echinacea was ‘busy’ with visitors! A Red Admiral and a bee getting on very nicely.

Back at home, I sat down for a short while I’m the garden, contemplating, as one does! 

My red Geraniums are really benefitting from regular dead heading and are constantly in bud.


  1. Hi, Sal, and thanks for your comment.
    Next door has hedgehog visitors that they catch on their security camera too. They are such characters, aren't they.
    Your garden is lovely - it must take a lot of work.

  2. How fortunate to have hedgehog visitors. It looks as though the two in your video were establishing territory. I read recently that new houses are having 'hedgehog highways' built in to fences - I don't know if that's general or just particular to some builders.

  3. Wonderful to have hedgehogs visit your garden and to capture them on a trail camera so you can see how many there are. We rarely get hedgehogs because we get badgers, foxes too. Plant world looks a great place to have close by:)

  4. What a lot of colour for us all to enjoy, with the added bonus of hedgehogs visiting too! You must get very tempted by having Plant World so close by.


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