Sunday, 30 May 2021

The beauty of the garden.

The colours in the garden are beautiful right now, and as I’d finished a spell of doing various tasks, I whizzed around with the camera…

This is one little corner that pleases! 

A beautiful Acer that stands proudly in its blue container.

A pretty Lamium sits nestled in between some rocks, near the pond, with an eager fern hoping to get in on the act!

And talking of ferns, here’s one that is surrounded by many friends, including a Yew, which was planted a couple of years ago. We love Yews and they seem to love us too as they do very well here.

Alliums that were planted a few years ago and always take one by surprise when they flower.

And a Geum. This one is Mai Tai. I’m going through a bit of Geum love right now!
More about that later.


1 comment:

  1. What about the one behind the lens?😘


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